I’m surrounded by Democrats and Rinos who callously patronize me in this time leading up to the Inauguration. (Which may or may not happen, for a number of extraordinary reasons.) “We’re waiting for you to wake up!” they scream. I don’t reply that I’ve been screaming the very same thing at them, in my head, for the past 8 years. It wouldn’t do any good, they are all so extremely LOST.
They’ll shred the Constitution before they ever open their minds.
I find it painfully amusing that they’ve FINALLY figured out what a jerk Joe Scarborough is, after I’ve been saying FOR YEARS that he’s the worst of the worst. And yet, they still listen to his BS. Just can’t help themselves, it’s worse than crack.
I make no comment, I sit and observe.
By this time next week, Trump will either have the reigns back in his hands, or the world will be in full-blown chaos. He hasn’t proven that he’s NOT in bed with Netanyahu, and that’s pretty much all I was ever looking for to form my judgments. (The whole “Saving Israel for Last” thing is taking a very, very long time, with seemingly incalculable collateral damage.) But, God-Willing – he’s better than the freedom-hating Communists currently in power, and I’ll breathe a very big sigh of relief if the inauguration is successful.
I will also say a HALLELUJAH if Trump declines to be inaugurated in favor of the Restored Republic.
Regardless, the all-enslaving digital economy is being implemented right now, this very night, in Iraq. Ripple has been granted keys to the Global Financial Kingdom – they are the NEW Central Bank, and the physical dollar as we know it will be gone very soon. This digital AI world is more frightening than anything humans can dream up, but unfortunately you just can’t force people to open their eyes. The Evil Ones have mastered psychology and use it liberally, creating a situation in which the Libtards have become incapable of breaking through the layers of cognitive dissonance. They’re imprisoned in a fortress built of lies & deceit.
When you sink deep enough into the cesspool, it’s very difficult to find your way out.

I’ve had some difficult blows this past six months – a crushing knee injury which has eliminated my favorite form of exercise, a fire which destroyed just about everything I own, and a whole lot more. Having stepped back into society from self-isolation, I’m constantly bombarded by INCREDIBLE stupidity, and I realize – that’s what humanity has become – Mass stupidity. It’s why we’ll never progress – because the Evil Ones have dumbed us down so much; there’s little intelligence left. What used to be intelligence, is now only EGO.
So, as the collective libtard REEEEEEEE amps up in volume by the moment, I call on my inner reserve of peace and Divine Connection. I forgive all who fell victim to the grandest psy-op in the history of the world, and by doing so put my own soul’s progress in jeopardy. (Apparently I volunteered to be here at this time although I certainly don’t remember making that agreement; Unfortunately I’ve had almost zero effect in helping the world to escape Satan’s grasp so far.)
This is THE TIME to embody Christ Consciousness, just as the world is about to descend into absolute chaos. It’s time to BE THE LIGHT, and act as a beacon for those souls who change their minds at the very last moment.
The Storm is Upon Us. No doubt about that, and it’s gonna be a DOOZY. With God’s Grace, some of us will emerge from it alive and self-empowered.