The New Era has begun.
The financial markets will soon publicly flip over to the new system, which I’m beginning to hope is empowering. Oracle, a foundational database, was the kingpin of the old system, designed to collect and store information on private citizens. Data collection is now done via AI, social media, smart devices and Starlink, stored on the Blockchain. Unlike Oracle, Blockchain transactions are visible to the world, and immutable…. two excellent improvements in governmental/corporate accountability. (NOT at the personal level, however. That would be the loss of freedom.)
Until all aspects of financial freedom – or enslavement – are revealed, including the power & intent of Artificial Intelligence and robots, I remain a skeptic about the changes that are happening. The Matrix was a documentary, warning us about the possible eventuality of a world ruled by Artificial Intelligence!!! We must remain vigilant.
In any case, my research of the past 40 years revealed that TODAY would happen. I had no idea WHEN it would happen, but I’ve been waiting for it for a very, very long time. For good or for evil.
What does our future look like in a POSITIVE post-Cabal world?
- – Vast reduction in taxes and cost of living
- – Universal high income, eliminating poverty
- – Tremendous opportunities for building personal wealth
- – Quantum healthcare – no more disease!
- – Space travel / Inter-dimensional travel / Time travel
- – 5D skills such as telepathy, pre-cognition, remote viewing etc.
What does the future look like in NEGATIVE AI world?
- – The Georgia Guidestones: Humanity to be genocided, only 500 million humans to ever be alive at one time (extreme caste system), enslaved to the elite.
- – Brave New World – humanity to be chemically controlled and castrated
- – Children belong to the state
- – Only poverty for the masses (Movie: Ready Player One)
- – Humans to be used for sex, torture, experimentation
- – Zero rights
- – etc. etc. etc.
If we are required to relinquish our biometric data in order to participate in the new financial system, that will be the signal that we have entered the Negative AI system.
Whatever the case may be, when my current responsibilities are finished, my plans are to travel, make high-frequency movies, write books, all the while carrying God’s Grace with me wherever I go. I’m going to explore newly-discovered ancient sites. I’m going to find an extraordinary man to love. I’m already focused on perfecting my body-temple, and playing my horn again, and singing. What else? Maybe one day enjoy being a grandmother. One day at a time.

Because of my personality, it wasn’t possible for ME to research for 40 years, learning how intricately enormously EVIL the Cabal is, and walk among regular people (Muggles). Doing so has always ended in disaster; the cognitive dissonance is overwhelming. Only now that I’ve done all the inner work, and DJT has achieved his second term, I can re-emerge. I will do great work toward the elevation of consciousness! (Even for Liberals, although I doubt there will be many left after Disclosure. A Whole Lotta people will be dying of shame, literally.)
I’m no great writer!!!
But I enjoy it and blogging has helped me to digest information. From now on I’ll be doing longer-form writing – books, movies.
Timeline of my awakenings:
1983 – I learned about the Transgender Agenda (the Kinsey Institute @ Indiana University)
1986 – I learned about the New World Order (NWO) and Agenda 21 (Indiana University)
1987-1996 – I learned how Wall St. worked with the CIA to destabilize Central America
1999 – I learned about Psy-ops (Y2K)
2001 – 9/11 – We witnessed the NWO being implemented
2008 – We witnessed the NWO financial and political system taking over
2016 – Trump’s first term set the snares to catch the NWO
2018 – I learned the Satanism of the Talmud from a teacher at Yeshiva University
2019 – I learned of CIA control of mainstream media
2025 – Trump’s second term catches the NWO and uses the thousands of guillotines they manufactured to kill US, to kill THEM. Chop Chop!
By Memorial Day of this year, the NWO should be fully “dispersed” and all the unbelievable Quantum technology that has been hidden, will be revealed! And, we will celebrate 250 years this most excellent and blessed experiment. Before then, much will be revealed.
The most important lesson I have learned, these past 40 years, is that when a Loving God is at the center of one’s life, there is never a reason to fear. And when many citizens of a Republic hold this same priority, there is a tremendous possibility of success.
God Bless the USA!