I’ve spent 40 years learning about Evil, and am blessed to have escaped the very worst of it in my own person. (I was never enslaved.) Through all my experiences, I have achieved the knowledge to radiate Divine Light, which is ever more powerful in my Self, and which is the antidote to Evil.
However, activating a connection to God is only the beginning of the Journey. The ultimate truth is –
None of us are Saved, until ALL of us are Saved.
Plato’s Cave is not a myth!!!
Those of us who have achieved a certain level of enlightenment (especially outside the mind-control of secret societies!) are NOT FINISHED!! We find we are obligated – Like Neo in The Matrix movie (not fiction!) – to go back into the 3D Matrix and save as many souls as possible. And so, I plod on with my efforts, always trying to be better in my Self.
Lately, I’ve been snared by victims of the Cabal; soulless beings existing at the very lowest frequencies (the 7 Deadly Sins). I find no commonality; as if we’re living in completely different realities. And – WE ARE! Once you become familiar with Quantum Physics & Spirituality, which defines the difference between the Spiritual and the Material worlds, you live your life very differently.
What is the Cabal?
There are many names. Deep State, Illuminati, Khazarian Mafia, Shadow Government. In fact, these anti-humans specialize in never being pegged down to any one identity; they use identity for the purpose of deception. They exist across all religions, races and genders (Transgenderism is an aspect of Satanic/Luciferian/Baal worship).
This Cabal Octopus of Control has stretched its tentacles into all aspects of society – health, finance, energy, education, transportation etc.
The following video is an excellent summary of what I learned for myself through my travels, research, and life experience, as told by the latest AI.
Link: Who Are the Khazarians and What Have They Done?
Read: Klaus Schwab – Covid-19: The Great Reset
Read: Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. – The Truth About Anthony Fauci
Read: Dr. Judy Mikovitz – Plague of Corruption
Know: G. Edward Griffin – The Creature from Jekyll Island
Jesse Czebotar – Exposing the Luciferian System